My Google Aunty

Happy New Year to my favorite Google Aunty.

While I am travelling, Google helps me find way to my destination. On one click she answers my queries, whatever I ask!

Earlier when I did not find any answers to my queries, it gave me an opportunity to talk to my neighbor/friends in person, this lead to conversations and a sense that today somebody helped me or understood where I am stuck and had all ears to my feelings. At times it helped me overcome my fear/hesitation of stopping in the middle of the road and asking a stranger for directions and felt grateful for the immediate help.

Today life is much easier with my Google Aunty but I do miss those explorations, those adventures, those in person conversations, talking to strangers and asking for help, recollecting faces who helped me in my hush-rush. I miss saying Thank You and receiving that Smile in return.

Anyways, Thank you My Google Aunty for being with me always and I can see your Smile.
